
AAUW Westchester Branch Program, March 9, 2025
Celebrating Women’s History: NY Suffragists
with Coline Jenkins

September 11, 2024 Program
“Westchester Women Envisioning the Future”
Casaletto Restaurant, Elmsford



 Spring Fling 2024!

Thank you to (left to right) Sue Lambert, Lorrin Johnson, and Barbara Sarver for their years of dedication to AAUW Westchester!
Happy Holidays at Crabtree Kittle House – December 2023


Program: Nurses—Changing the World! In celebration of Nurses’ Day in May, Dr. Brennan spoke about the changing role of nursing throughout history, and the impact of women in healthcare.

SPEAKER: Noreen B. Brennan PhD, RN-BC, NEA-BC, Chief Nurse Executive James J. Peters Veteran Administration Medical Center Bronx, New York 10468



The League of Women Voters of Westchester is grateful for AAUW-Westchester’s support of the Running & Winning program for high school females.

Just over fifty students and forty-five elected officials participated in the event with resounding enthusiasm, sharing of experiences, learning, networking, and more. LWVW was able to provide bus transportation to Yonkers high schools, and to Ossining High School. They hope to provide more student transportation to north county schools next year. Our AAUW-Westchester Branch Co-President, Marcia Keizs, was present to provide information and support the day’s work.


Scott Craven spoke at our April 2023 Branch Meeting on
“The Unique Environment of the Hudson River”

(left to right) Rene Parmar, Scott Craven, Teresa Neal, Diana Lennon


Madison Norwich from Planned Parenthood spoke at our March 2023 Branch Meeting.

(left to right) Rene Parmar; Madison Norwich of Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic; Diana Lennon; Abby Hirsch.


Senator Mayer spoke on the Challenges ahead for women & girls in the post-COVID world, focusing on education, childcare, jobs, & political engagement at the September 2023 Branch Meeting.

(left to right) Diana Lennon, State Senator Shelley Mayer, Teresa Neal & Rene Parmar.


EXHIBIT: Spencer Sweeney: Perfect

        “ Known for his psychologically rich figurative paintings, and collaborations with various musicians, performers, and artists in the downtown New York City art scene throughout his career, Sweeney will present an exhibition tracing his robust practice over the past 15 years.

Sweeney notes, “The title Perfect is utilized here in broad philosophical terms, contemplating the challenges in the full acceptance of life in its entirety including of course the imperfect. For instance, in the case of the self-portraits, with all their anxiety, pathos and chaos, are depictions of difficult moments along the path of the creative process, which in the end and with some perspective, might as well be ‘Perfect.’”


Lunch at X2O, Yonkers – August 2022


Spring Fling – June 2022 at Saint Andrew’s Golf Club


Happy Holidays at Crabtree Kittle House – December 2021



Spring Fling Picnic 2021


Art Group  2021


The AAUW Tuesday Literary Group reviewed and discussed Delia Owens’ book, Where the Crawdad’s Sing.



AAUW Sept Branch Meeting featured Muriel Fox the co-founder of NOW (National Organization for Women).  Muriel spoke about the Modern Women’s Movement origins that became the Second Wave. How they continued the battle of the suffragists, who had won women the right to vote with the 19th Amendment 100 years ago. She spoke passionately about her role in helping promote women’s issues that contributed to the passing of laws in the 1970’s. These were aimed at fighting discrimination against women in all phases of society, and would not have passed without feminist pressure.

Muriel urged both men and women to continue to teach our sons the admirable attributes and skills that women possess, and for men to embrace those skill by appointing women to the roles formerly held only by men.



The AAUW Art Interest Group arranged a private guided Zoom tour of Bisa Butler’s exhibit at The Katonah Art Museum. Her famous quilted art work are a must see, to be absorbed, discussed and appreciated.

If art is your thing, the art interest group sets up private tour of various art exhibits. Contact AAUW at or visit our website at


AAUW Literary Group discussed Pulitzer Recipient Colson Whitehead’s book The Nickel Boys

If you’d be interested in joining our discussions or other AAUW  interest groups, contact us at New members are welcome!


AAUW Current Issues Group

Twenty-one members of the AAUW Current Issues Group met to discuss the Statics of the Pandemic, the Supreme Court Decision in regards to the Electoral College, and the current Housing Crisis due to COVID-19. Many of the members were without internet or power due to the recent storm, so they participated via phone.


SPRING FLING – Annual  Dinner – June 6, 2018 –  St. Andrews Golf Club – Attended by over 70 members — good food and great company!

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