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Students are able to select four choices from a variety of fun workshops and will be assigned two of their choices.  We will make every effort to accommodate their choices.  All workshops are conducted in English.


Brain Games
Put on your thinking cap and learn to make a model brain cell while learning about all the mind-boggling things a brain can do from recognizing words and colors, to making memories, to controlling your movements. At the end of the session, students will learn to dissect a brain
Siobhán Lawless, B.S., M.S., PhD Candidate, Molly Leitner, PhD Candidate, and Riley Morrone, PhD Candidate, Neural and Behavioral Science, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

DNA is what makes you – you! DNA is the basic building block of life. Extract DNA and see what it looks like and learn about genes and genetics in the process.
Paola Bardetti, PhD, Industry Assistant Professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Hands-on Cosmetic Chemistry
Step into the laboratory and make your own potion!
Anna Czarnota, Associate Fellow R&D, Advanced Technologies, Estee Lauder Companies

How popular is your name?
Using real data on all children born in the US we will explore your name, how popular it is today and whether it was more or less popular in the past. We will compare your name to others and explore whether celebrity names and names from movies become more or less popular.
Elin Waring, PhD, Professor of Sociology, Lehman College

Make your own website!
Girls will learn the basics of making a website: Getting text on a page, styling it, and making it interactive.
Sammi Caby, BSE, Senior Software Engineer

Medical Laboratory Science
Come and learn some of the science behind medical diagnosis. Medical Laboratory Scientists perform tests on blood and other patient samples that help determine whether someone is healthy or sick. Learn about how these scientists identify diseases like cancer, heart disease, and infection.
Eloise Aita, PhD, President New York State Clinical Lab Association, and Camille McKay, Regional Pathology Manager, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

A Colorful Tour of the World of Graphs
Which doodles can you draw without picking up your pencil or retracing? How can you color a map so no two neighboring countries are the same color? How can you seat family at dinner so that people who were arguing don’t have to share a table? In this workshop, you will learn the simple but elegant mathematical idea that allows you to solve these problems and will give you a new way of looking at lots of images and problems in your daily life.
Renee Bell, PhD, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Lehman College, CUNY



Please join us next year!